"Do not envy others. You have no idea what their journey is about."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

One for Mama

Every time I think about my dream of seeing the world, I always ask myself the same question: When has this desire for travels started?

Just recently, I have come up with an answer.

One night, when I was younger, mama and I were watching a late show from a local channel and it featured some place in Europe. And then she said: “Matan-aw ta ni kay basi indi ta na makadtuan. Bisan diri saTV na lang makita ta ano tsura sang <insert place here>.” (Let us watch this because we might not be able to go there. At least we saw how <insert place here> looks like even just on TV.)

And then she laughed. I laughed too.

Oo nga naman, kunsabagay may point siya. Anlayo kaya ng Europe! Saka sobrang mahal dun!

But for some reason, I didn’t like how she sounded hopeless.

Someday, I am going there. I thought to myself.

Someday, I am going to Europe and the rest of the globe.

Someday, I am going to see the world with my Mama.


We might be taking baby steps but we will get there, little by little.

I still have a lot of saving up to do. Just be patient, ma. And please save with me. Hehe.

For now, I’ve made a photo essay of our past travels together. This is not complete though, you know what happened to my external HD. Huhuhu.

Macau -  April 2010

Hongkong - April 2010

Bangkok, Thailand - June 2010

Las Casas Filipinas, Bagac, Bataan -November 2010

Panagbenga Festival, Baguio City - February 2011

Palawan - August 2011

Cebu City - October 2011

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - April 2012

Most of the pictures could have been gone, but the memories will forever live on.

To the most beautiful, amazing and ever youthful woman I know,

Happy Mother’s Day mama.

I'm looking forward to more travels with you. Stay healthy and gorgeous. 

Flowers from me - Mother's Day 2010

I love you.

Your stubborn travel buddy,



  1. Good thing your mom is so adventurous like you are. My mom would just love a new pair of shoes (well, she's Imeldiffic like myself.haha.)


    1. Oh yeah she is! She always want to tag along on my travels, even on my lakwatsa with friends. haha. I just want her to travel while she's still able. I wish I could bring her to all the places she dreams of seeing. :)

      By the way, we are both Imeldiffic too. I believe every woman is. Who doesn't love shoes? lol.
